Last week I encountered a problem with my previously bullet-proof BT Infinity: I couldn’t access some web pages whilst others worked perfectly. Pages like Facebook and the BBC website were inaccessible whilst others, including this one, worked perfectly so I logged the problem with BT’s help desk. After a couple of hours, I received a message to say that the issue had been resolved. Great!, I thought. Of course, as soon as I tested it, I found that the issue hadn’t been resolved at all. Now I knew that the issue wasn’t anything to do with my setup, or my hub, but was a BT system problem as my mother, who lives further up my road, was experiencing exactly the same issue (and still had the problem after BT had ‘fixed’ the problem.)
There the followed a lengthy and tedious phone conversation with the BT help desk in India. It was quite clear that the operative wasn’t really listening to me and was just following a tick list of questions. During the conversation I pointed out that the issue was affecting multiple machines here but he was convinced that the problem was machine specific. He asked for permission to log on to my computer where upon he immediately started to install Firefox, without asking first! When I stopped the installation, he said that he would install Chrome instead! When I said that I wouldn’t allow it, he became all surly and said I’d have to wait for 24 hours for a resolution.
Eventually, BT admitted that there was a DNS error which they have now fixed. Or so they claim.
Yesterday, I became aware of an issue that prevents my iPad and iPhone from connecting to the Apple App Store correctly. Updates stall and all of the graphics and icons are shown as grey squares. The issue also affects iTunes on my Mac. Once again, the issue is also affecting my mum’s connection too. I can get around the problem by disconnecting from the BT hub an connecting via the cellular network. It just fails on the broadband.
This afternoon I contacted BT’s helpdesk regarding the issue. Here’s a transcript of the conversation…..
BT Helpdesk transcript.
Surbhi: Hello. I’m Surbhi.Thanks for that information, I’ll check it and get back to you in a moment.
Surbhi: Hi Simon.
Simon Coates: Hi
Simon Coates: I have recently experienced problems with my infinity connection. Since it has been repaired, I can no longer access the app store on my iPhone or iPad – it just displays grey boxes instead of icons. If I attempt to download an update it just sits there doing nothing and eventually times out.
Surbhi: I’m sorry to hear that you are facing problem with your broadband.
Surbhi: Please do not worry, I’ll fix this for you.
Simon Coates: I have the router split onto two different SSIDs as I know this can help, but it doesn’t
Simon Coates: My mother, who lives in the same street as me has exactly the same issue with here connection too
Simon Coates: *her connection
Surbhi: Is this the wireless connection problem?
Simon Coates: Yes – it’s an iPad and iPhone
Surbhi: Is this a slow speed or dropping connection problem?
Simon Coates: No, the connection seems to stay live – I can browse web pages for instance – but the app store just displays grey boxes and not the correct images
Simon Coates: Switching wifi off on the devices and relying on the cellular signal works, so the issue is to do with either the router or the service.
Simon Coates: This has only been happening since the other problems I had last week were resolved
Surbhi: As I can see that the connection is working fine. If there was a connection problem the apple store would not load.
Surbhi: If it is not displaying problem then you need to speak to apple.
Simon Coates: No, the issue is either with YOUR router or YOUR service.
Simon Coates: This has only been happening since the other problems I had last week were resolved
Simon Coates: And it affects two different BT Homehubs
Simon Coates: As I said, if I use the phone’s data signal it works, it just fails on YOUR service
Surbhi: If there is problem with the service or the router then you would have no Internet connection.
Surbhi: Can you use safari?
Simon Coates: Yes
Surbhi: Then your Internet connection is fine.
Simon Coates: You are talking nonsense really. Last week’s issue was that I couldn’t access certain webpages through a browser. Some worked, some didnt
Surbhi: That was a known DNS issue it was resolved.
Simon Coates: I say again, this is an issue that affects two different properties with two different BT Infinity connections
Simon Coates: This is an extension of the DNS issue, I suspect
Simon Coates: the problem has only occurred since the other issue was resolved. Prior to that it was working perfectly.
Surbhi: I understand this affects 2 different properties with 2 different connections. Did you use the same device at both properties? If you used the same device then it is more likely to be the device that is having the problem.
Simon Coates: The issue affects my iPhone and iPad, my wife’s iPhone at this property and my mother’s iPad at her house.
Simon Coates: It is not the device. It *must* be a service error. It cannot be all four devices at exactly the same time
Surbhi: The problem could be with the 5 ghz network on the hub 5 please follow this link—bt-home-hub-4-and-5
Simon Coates: No, it isnt
Surbhi: This will turn off the 5ghz network and should resolve your issue.
Simon Coates: I said earlier, the SSIDs have been split so that the phone is connected ONLY to the 2.4ghz network
Surbhi: The 5 Ghz can interfere particularly with apple devices. By turning it off you will get a clear wireless signal on the 2.4 Ghz network.
Simon Coates: That is rubbish
Simon Coates: The issue there is that the apple devices attempt to connect to both – it isn’t that the signals interfere
Surbhi: My supervisor is helping me with this chat. He is a BT Tech expert who has seen this problem many times. When he has switched off the 5 ghz network before the apple devices have worked fine.
Simon Coates: I have turned it off and guess what…..
Simon Coates: …. no difference
Simon Coates: If it was the 5ghz, why would the issue only start now – after the other issues have been “resolved?”
Surbhi: We have checked your broadband signal and the broadband is working fine. We cannot find any problem with the network. Therefore this must be a problem with the device. All diagnostics have been carried out for broadband. Therefore we must refer you to your vendor for your device.
Simon Coates: It is NOT the device.
Simon Coates: It is YOUR service
Simon Coates: Four devices, in two different properties all develop the SAME fault at the SAME time?????
Simon Coates: Can I ask which planet you live on?
Surbhi: I can see the broadband connection is fine. We only provide you with broadband. We cannot help with problems the devices you connect to the hub suffer
Simon Coates: The devices connect correctly – you are not letting the data through
Simon Coates: Just like last week when Facebook and the BBC were unavalaible
Surbhi: Internet data runs through port 80 on the hub. This port is always open so we are not stopping the date.
Simon Coates: You swore blind last week that there wasn’t a problem, yet there clearly was
Simon Coates: So why did I have an issue that only affected certain sites last week if all data is passed through?
Surbhi: As I said earlier, we have checked your broadband and cannot see any problem. If there was a problem with your broadband then the safari browser would not be able to connect to the internet.
Simon Coates: More rubbish
Surbhi: because there was a known issue with the DNS server. This has since been resolved.
Simon Coates: Last week Facebook wouldn’t work through safari, but would through the Facebook app. Both are sending data over the internet. By your argument if one worked, so would the other
Simon Coates: the DNS issue clearly has NOT been resolved completely.
Surbhi: I am really sorry, but we have been informed that all DNS problems have been resolved. Because your broadband is working and all the diagnostics have been completed. I would need to refer you to the BT tech experts. Please follow the link and subscribe to their service and they will help you with your devices.
Simon Coates: The service is NOT functioning correctly.
Simon Coates: The devices are working correctly
Surbhi: You can connect to the internet so your broadband service is working correctly.
Surbhi: Is the light blue on your hub?
Simon Coates: If I connect them to another internet service provider, they work – just not through the home hub and your network
Simon Coates: Solid blue
Simon Coates: There is an ongoing DNS issue – it has NOT been resolved
Simon Coates: It doesn’t matter what your system is telling you, the problem is not fixed.
Surbhi: Then this is showing that you have connection between your hub and the exchange and your broadband is working. For problems with individual devices such as yours you need to speak to the tech experts. You can call them on 0800 032 1118
Simon Coates: More nonsense! The hub was showing solid blue lights last week when there WAS an error, so it is no indication of a fully working connection
Surbhi: If you speak to the tech experts and there is a problem with the hub or our network then they will not charge you.
Surbhi: but we cannot find any network issue at this time.
Surbhi: They would be the best people to help you because all broadband diagnostics have been completed and we cannot find a problem.
Simon Coates: I am telling you that there IS AN ISSUE. These devices work correctly using a different ISP but not with my BT connection. There was no issue last week, but since you *fixed* the last issue, the problem has occurred.
Simon Coates: It affects 4 devices in two different locations – all at the same time. The only common element is the BT infrastructure
Surbhi: Please reset your hub to factory settings. If that does not resolve the issue then you will need to speak to the tech experts.
Simon Coates: I tried that after the previous issue was supposedly fixed.
Simon Coates: Please get someone in authority to give me a call
Surbhi: The only other thing you can do is to change the DNS settings on your device to for the primary and for the secondary address. This will bypass the hub DNS and resolve any DNS problem.
Simon Coates: I will give that a try
Surbhi: thanks, if you have any further problems then please don’t hesitate to contact BT
Simon Coates: Bypassing the DNS works
Simon Coates: Therefore it IS still an issue with your service
Surbhi: I will flag this up to our broadband technical management centre. I am sorry for the ongoing problem.
Surbhi: Is there anything else I can assist you with?
Simon Coates: In future, try listening to what the client is telling you! We are not all technically incompetent idiots. Some of us do know what we are talking about.
Surbhi: Thank you for your feedback. I will certainly take that onboard. However, we must rely on the information given to us. If we are told by our suppliers that the DNS issue has been resolved then we must trust that this is correct. Once again I am sorry for any ongoing problems.
So as you can see, BT have tried to fob me off by saying that it is Apple devices that are failing, or Apple’s service and that it really I should be paying to get the issue resolved – right up until I prove conclusively that the problem is due to their DNS.
Come on BT – train your staff better! Get them to listen to what your customers are telling them. Get them to use their initiative, not just follow a check list! Be proactive, not just reactive.\
I’ve come away from this technical issue with an incredibly low opinion of BT’s customer service – they’ve attempted to install software on my computers without permission, they’ve blamed other companies for faults and they’ve given out misinformation in an effort to divert blame. I am disappointed – I had expected so much better from them.
Update – 27th August
It’s like having deja-vu…..
I noticed that BT have closed the call during the middle of the night, saying that the issue has been resolved. Unfortunately it hasn’t – I still suffering from exactly the same problems as yesterday. Here’s today’s communication…….
Anurag: Hello. I’m Anurag.Thanks for that information, I’ll check it and get back to you in a moment.
Simon Coates: Yesterday I reported an on going issue with my BT Infinity. I see that the issue has been flagged as “resolved” but it still does NOT WORK.
All of the devices in my house are struggling with connection issues – wired and wirelessly. For instance, my Mac’s cannot connect to the ITunes store correctly, my Roku TV box is unable to play catchup services and so on.
All in all, I have four computers that aren’t working correctly, 2 iPhones, an iPad and a Roku TV box.
I’ve restarted the HomeHub and the lights are solid blue.
The reason I know that it is YOUR problem and not mine is that if I change the DNS settings on my kit then everything works. If I set it back to your defaults, then it stops.
This issue is not just affecting me – it is also affecting at least one other property in my street. I’ve been chasing problems with my Infinity connection for a week now and I am getting tired of wasting my time trying to get you to sort it out correctly.
Anurag: Simon, I’m really sorry for all the trouble. I’ll help you with this.
Anurag: I’ll check your fault and get back to you within few minutes.
Simon Coates: Ok
Anurag: Can you please confirm me your BT account number?
Simon Coates: My phone number is 01788 815644, my address is 22 Gilbert Ave, Rugby, CV22 7BY
Anurag: Thank you.
Anurag: Thanks for waiting.
Simon Coates: ok
Anurag: Are you facing slow speed or not able to connect anything with your hub?
Simon Coates: Yesterday I reported an on going issue with my BT Infinity. I see that the issue has been flagged as “resolved” but it still does NOT WORK.
All of the devices in my house are struggling with connection issues – wired and wirelessly. For instance, my Mac’s cannot connect to the ITunes store correctly, my Roku TV box is unable to play catchup services and so on.
All in all, I have four computers that aren’t working correctly, 2 iPhones, an iPad and a Roku TV box.
I’ve restarted the HomeHub and the lights are solid blue.
The reason I know that it is YOUR problem and not mine is that if I change the DNS settings on my kit then everything works. If I set it back to your defaults, then it stops.
This issue is not just affecting me – it is also affecting at least one other property in my street. I’ve been chasing problems with my Infinity connection for a week now and I am getting tired of wasting my time trying to get you to sort it out correctly.
Anurag: Okay.
Anurag: I’ve checked your previous fault and it has been closed.
Simon Coates: It may have been closed, but it hasn’t been fixed
Anurag: I’ll raise the new fault now. I need to run some test on your line.
Anurag: Please allow me few minutes.
Simon Coates: It is not the line, it is the DNS issue still
Anurag: Okay. I’ll check that.
Simon Coates: How can BT sign off a problem as being “fixed” without checking with the customer who reported the problem?
Anurag: If it is an DNS issue then you could try changing the primary DNS to and secondary DNS as
Simon Coates: That works, but some of my devices will not allow me to change the DNS setting.
Simon Coates: This means that they still do not work correctly
Simon Coates: It also proves that problem is with your infrastructre
Anurag: Simon, if you’re not able to connect on some of your devices like MAC then you need to speak to Apple.
Simon Coates: The problem is YOURS
Simon Coates: The equipment works if I connect to a different ISP
Simon Coates: It just doesn’t work with youts
Simon Coates: *yours
Simon Coates: It is also affecting 2 Windows 10 machines
Simon Coates: And a Roku TV box
Simon Coates: It is one hell of a coincidence that they would all develop exactly the same fault at exactly the same time that just happens to coincide with another BT fault, don’t you think?
Anurag: Simon, can I request for a few moments again please. I’ll run up to a couple of places to see if there is an ongoing issue here.
Anurag: Very true. I want to check if there is an ongoing problem which has not been shared with CS yet.
Anurag: Appreciate your patience on this.
Anurag: Thanks for waiting Simon. I just wanted to know that there was a common fault reported from your area on 20th August. Would you happen to know users in your neighbourhood who were also facing problem them but are all good now?
Anurag: Or have you come across neighbours who are still reporting slow connections or no connections at all?
Simon Coates: My mother, who lives further up my road has exactly the same issues
Simon Coates: I have also been in contact with a local computer repair company and they’ve had numerous call-outs in the last week for this issue
Anurag: Yeah, I know there is something reported on 20th August as to be a fault which was affecting the whole area.
Anurag: I’m checking what was the outcome of the fault or if it is still ongoing.
Anurag: Please bear with me for a moment again.
Simon Coates: So why is it showing on the Service Status page as being OK when it quite clearly isn’t?Anurag: Thanks again for the wait Simon.
Anurag: Let me explain what had happened.
Simon Coates: Ok
Anurag: There was a major outage in your area. The last time you contacted us, your fault was linked to this outage and it was left to be closed once the outage was resolved. The outage was resolved on 21st August. Keeping this in mind, the system auto closed your fault too after 4 days.
Simon Coates: But to wasn’t resolved
Simon Coates: *it
Simon Coates: One problem was swapped for another
Anurag: Now, though you say that this is also affecting more users, I will still have to try a few troubleshooting steps to help you out. Just in case it does not work and other homes in your area report the same thing again, Openreach will again evaluate the situation and see if the common fault they reported to have fixed, still requires attention or not.
Anurag: I take your word for it that a new problem has risen which might be affecting more homes too. However, let me try a couple of things to see if that improves the situation in some way please.
Simon Coates: Go ahead
Anurag: Thank so much. I appreciate your understanding here.
Simon Coates: Bear in mind that this is also going onto my blog in real-time
Anurag: You just need to reset your hub.
Simon Coates: I reset my hub immediately prior to starting this conversation. It was off for around 5 minutes
Anurag: All broadband diagnostics have been completed and no BT fault has been found. If you would like further work to be done we can offer a chargeable service
Anurag: Our BT Tech Experts are trained to deal with home computer, networking and device issues. Would you like to receive more information on this service via e-mail?
Simon Coates: Excuse me?
Simon Coates: Chargeable? Even though I can prove it is YOUR problem?
Anurag: Simon, our test show that the hub and broadband are working fine. It seems to be an problem with the devices or its settings.
Anurag: Our BT Tech Experts are trained to deal with home computer, networking and device issues
Anurag: You can go to for information on the service and how to sign up online.
Simon Coates: How can I explain this more simply? The issue is to do with YOUR DNS. If I use a different DNS it works. If I use the standard one, it does’t
Simon Coates: At this point, I must insist that a manager, from the UK, calls to explain to me how this is MY problem.
Anurag: Sure thing. let me get more help on this.
Simon Coates: You do that
Simon Coates: I have now checked my BT YouView box, and that’s got the same problem as my Roku: services like NowTV are unavailable
Anurag: I do apologize for that Simon.
Anurag: As I suggested earlier, I’ve some correction to that. let me explain please.
Simon Coates: So BT’s stance is that all of my kit (3 macs, two windows 10 machines, an iPad, 2 iPhones, a Roku and a BT Youview box) have all failed with the same fault at the same time and I am supposed to pay to get it fixed?
Anurag: I said above to have some troubleshooting tried and if that does not work as well as other users from your area report similar fault, openreach will investigate it again.
Anurag: I’ve raised this to my manager here and told him about your situation.
Anurag: He has agreed to raise a bridge case on your inputs to openreach to have the common fault reopened and reinvestigated.
Anurag: While I get to that, I’ll be quoting your phone number for reference to this fault in the area. I hope you are alright with that?
Simon Coates: I have spent hours on this issue now: it needs to be resolved.
Simon Coates: There should also be a flag added to my account to stop wasting my time saying “Oh, it’s Apple’s fault” whenever I report a problem.
Anurag: I agree to that and thank your patience while being me. I can understand that apology does not matter much as the situation still remains same but I’ll do my best to get this addressed as soon as possible.
Simon Coates: Thank you. Is it possible to tell me how long remains on my contract?
Anurag: Adding a note that until this issue is fixed and cleared marked as fixed in teh area, no further troubleshooting is requested from your end.
Anurag: I certainly can do that. Checking further.
Anurag: For your TV, you are in contract until 23rd February 2016. For your telephone, you are no longer in contract.
Anurag: For detailed information on your account, customer options team will be best to approach.
Simon Coates: Thank you
Anurag: 0800 800 150 and then request to speak to customer options team.
Simon Coates: I have put a note in my diary to cancel my BT subscription next February
Anurag: That’d be unfortunate but I hope that we are able to regain your trust again.
Anurag: While you are here, can I help with anything else?
Simon Coates: No
Anurag: Thanks for your time Simon. I hope we are able to address your situation as soon as possible.
Anurag: I’ll be upating your information with my manager to raise a bridge case to get the area wide issue addressed again.
Simon Coates: Believe me, so do I. I am paying subscriptions to TV services that your network is preventing me from using.
Anurag: I understand the frustration and hope this resolves soon.
Anurag: Until then, I wish you well.
Comments 16
First words out of my mouth is “May I speak with a supervisor please” and go from there.
I tried that when I was on the phone to them – with little success. Apparently they “don’t have authority” to transfer calls to UK call centres.
Hallelujah! I’ve not gone insane. I’m also in Rugby and HAVE EXACTLY THE SAME PROBLEM. I’ve tried to remain calm but have had EXACTLY THE SAME CONVERSATION with EXACTLY THE SAME PEOPLE! Can I just ask – did you try switching it off and on again? 😉
My problem started with Netflix not working – called up, they admitted a problem in my area and sent an engineer out to fix something or other – problem solved. I then had issues with certain webpages – phoned up again – they sorted the problem. So far so good. Then I was having problems with Apple Store (no thumbnails, couldn’t get downloads etc) – phoned up again – “ah, well this is an Apple problem, sir”. Yes of course it is – why didn’t I think of that! This couldn’t possibly have anything to do with BT’s recent service issues and, after all, it works fine on my friend’s virgin media and on vodafone and EE 3G and (ironically) on BT Wifi Openzone! Same problem on ALL DEVICES whether using iOS or Windows – Safari or Internet Explorer.)
Whilst the three different guys I’ve dealt with (2 by online chat and 1 by phone) were very polite (despite me being somewhat less than polite) the whole experience was very infuriating. My last phone call ended up with them raising a formal complaint and I was told I would be contacted yesterday with a courtesy call. Guess what? Yeah, nothing – no courtesy call. So THANK YOU for blogging this – I was just about to conclude that it must be going insane. We now know it’s at least an issue affecting our area and whilst they can pretend it’s an Apple problem, they cannot deny they’ve had two pretty persistent customers on their back, from the same area, complaining about it.
I’m off to try the DNS trick – hadn’t come across that workaround. Will let you know if I get anything back from BT.
Thanks for getting in touch, Rich: it is good to know that I am not alone. Yesterday I had two calls from an Irish BT Technician and he initially suggested replacing my home hub and claimed that it might just have been a coincidence that my mum’s hub developed the exact same fault at the same time. He soon came to his senses and agrees that the problem is theirs.
It is clear to me that BT don’t have the technology to link similar problems from different customers in a region. It looks like they use a “divide and conquer” approach to customer support. It’s going to take to the middle of next week for BT to come back to me with details and I will share them on here when they do.
Been following your posts with interest, I’m having v. similar issues and can’t access the 15 or so sites that I manage on a daily basis without them timing out after just a few minutes. I’m losing the plot not to mention time and money. All other sites I access on a daily basis work fine. My domain/hosting provider suggests the problem is DNS-related and lies with BT… trying to get BT to do something about this is quite another matter.
I live in Long Lawford – same problem- same result when calling the helpline
Log this house as another experiencing exactly the same issues in Rugby and also frustrated by the lack of customer service. At least I know it’s not us going mad.
Can we all work together to resolve this?
Been on to BT support – again – they continue to say there is “an outage” affecting Rugby. They expect to have it resolved by 1st September at 10am. This does not fill me with confidence. It’s not just Apple sites I am having trouble with. . .
I’ve spoken at length to a BT technician whom I shall call “Irish Kevin.” I’ve convinced him that the DNS issue is not of my making and is something systemic with the BT infrastructure. Or at least I thought I’d convinced him. Yesterday, whilst I was out, he called and left a message on my answerphone asking if I’d turned on parental controls!
He also asked me if I could provide him to give him my mother’s phone number so that he can add weight to the report. It might help if everyone here who has experienced issues with their service recently gave me their phone number (by email) and I will add it to the list I give to Kevin.
I have the same issue with loss of images in iTunes and Mac OS App Store (noticed 22 Aug). The iPad’s would not update Apps. iTunes could not update Apps either. I bypassed my BT homehub3 by connecting directly into the BT modem using PPPOE. That seemed to reset things, but ultimately the issue seems to be BT DNS servers or Parent Controls getting in the way. I’ve since removed all Parent Controls and modified DNS to include Google’s 8. 8. 8. 8 and 8. 8. 4. 4 and the Apps can now download, but some of the images in iTunes and App Store still won’t load. Interestingly, I know it is a local BT Infinity issue. If I VPN to my office, where we have a BT fibre leased line, then content loads straight away as soon as the office network is connected! I have a current BT fault open: Ref: VOL051-1114167144887
Same problem for me in hillmorton
Also suffering same problems in Hillmorton
Further call from BT Tech guy today asking me to be patient. They remain convinced that replacing my HUB with a new Hub 5 will solve the problem. It doesn’t sound like it will to me from the other postings I have found on the web. I can’t help but think that whilst this is a big problem for us, it isn’t for BT. Investing the time and money to put it right is possibly not high on their Agenda. Who cares if a few disgruntled customers go to Talk Talk
Thank God for this site I thought i was going nuts. Third BT HomeHub and still same issues with Apple and other app’s anyone know how to change the DNS Setting on the HH5?
Having the same problems in Haddington (Scotland) have bought my own hub. Have set DNS to 8. 8. 8. 8 with no luck.
Hi Richard
It’s a long time since I visited Haddington! I went there to see Fish performing a pub-crawl many moons ago.
Unfortunately your problem must be different to the one I was experiencing. My problem was definitely to do with the BT DNS settings. If you’ve changed them to use Google’s DNS, and it still doesn’t work, then I am at a loss to diagnose it any further. Sorry 🙁