Avoiding complacency – on-going training

Being a professional photographer can seem like the ideal job, especially to those who take pictures for a hobby. However, it can be a fairly solitary existence with limited interaction with others in a similar position. It is then very easy fall into the trap of  you know what sells, you know how to shoot it and that’s enough. In …


Organising a school prom?

Are you organising a school prom in the Midlands? If so, why not invite us along to take the photos? [imageeffect type=”shadowreflect” align=”alignleft” width=”200″ height=”300″ shadow=”shadow-xsmall” alt=”Latest in Green Screen Technology at your prom” url=”https://www.simoncoatesphotography.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/rhscp_74360_0.jpg” ]We are a specialist event photography company, with full on site printing capabilities. By using our top-notch portable studio and some of the best camera …

blog entry

Caveat lector

Caveat emptor? Caveat lector more like! Over the weekend I was made aware of a blog that had been created which alleged that I have been underhand in the way I have run my business with relation to the Event Photographer Society and and Uzair Kharawala, from SF Digital. The website implied that I had received financial reward from the …

Another year in event photography

[imageeffect type=”frame” align=”alignleft” width=”200″ height=”200″ alt=”” url=”https://www.simoncoatesphotography.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Event-Photography-review-2011.png” ]A year in Event Photography So, we’ve made it to the end of 2011 relatively unscathed and completed another year in event photography, so I thought I’d put down in words just how far we’ve come as an Event photography business in the last twelve months. The year started off in a bad …