It was fantastic to be back at the beautiful Coombe Abbey for the sixth rather brilliant Sage Paracon with our green screen mobile photographic studio. At no other event we cover each year do the guests go to such lengths with their incredible costumes and make up which is on show at each of the themed evening parties.It is also …
Sage Paracon 4
It was a real treat to be back at Coombe Abbey to photograph Sage Paracon 4. It is the third year in a row that we’ve been lucky enough to photograph this brilliant event. All of the photos from the party and from the studio are available in the gallery, accessible via the button below. You still have the choice …
Positive Bones Valentine Ball
We were delighted to have been invited along to provide our mobile photographic studio at this fantastic event and to help raise much needed funds for the incredible Josephine Bridges. All of the photos from the evening can be found by clicking the button below. As a thank-you to those that bought prints from us on the night, we’ve added …
NAMM at Coombe Abbey
The National Association of Memorial Masons held their AGM and dinner at Coombe Abbey and we were delighted to have been invited along to photograph the event. We started the evening off with our studio set up in the Walnut Room where the VIPs were having their drinks reception. Once that was done, we moved over to the main function …