WHPC held their annual Tetrathlon at the splendid Whitfield Farm Equestrian Centre and we were delighted to have been there as the official photographers for the two day event.
Saturday saw the first three events, two of which were held at Whitfield. We photographed the running but unfortunately, due to the layout of the shooting range, it proved to be impossible to photograph the marksmen and women at work.
From there, it was off to Newbold Comyn swimming pool in Leamington Spa for the swimming heats. After the being outside in the ferocious heat of the sunlight, it was a real treat to get indoors where we could add horrendous humidity to the mix!
Sunday saw a return to Whitfield Farm for the equestrian cross country phase of the event. This was run over no fewer than six different courses ranging in height form 30cm to 100cm.
All of the photographs from this event can be found in our equestrian gallery which is accessible by clicking the button below. As a thank-you to those that braved the blistering heat and bought prints from us on the day, we’ve added a complimentary copy to our Facebook page, so get tagging!